Sunday, December 31, 2006

Bloggers and Politics

John Edwards has chosen to announce his candidacy on YouTube, and Paul Kaputzka has covered it for NewTeeVee, part of Om Malik's blog. Because of my advanced age and non-technical background, I'm careful which blogs I comment on, for fear of being considered a little old lady with a cane. But if it's one place where I'm experienced, it's politics, so here goes.I can't let my friend Scoble, one of the most honest and open journalists on the planet, get excoriated for leaving his wife Maryam and son Patrick over Christmas vacation to go to New Orleans' Ninth Ward,, Iowa, and New Hampshire -- not exactly top winter vacation destinations.This is ridiculous. I am as pissed at reporters who are in the pocket of politicians as anyone, but just because someone rides on a campaign plane does not put them in anyone's pocket. For Edwards, who strikes me as an earnest man, this is a way to reach out to new constituencies who don't vote (young people) and should. For Scoble, it's a way to document how social media is influencing politics. It wouldn't matter who the candidate is.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Happy New Year. As we head into the celebration, the nation is mourning various people: Gerald R. Ford, Frank Stanton, James Brown. Amazing constellation of deaths around Christmas.For me, the most important of these, of course, is James Brown.

Gerald Ford was our accidental president. He was never elected, and he knew it, so he kept a low profile. Until he decided to pardon President Nixon.� When he did that, it was part of a broader strategy to restore decency and credibility to the presidency. Unfortunately, he didn't succeed. Since Ford, one president after another has proven that a single individual cannot govern a democracy as broad and diverse as ours. Nixon might have been the first of the unseemly modern presidents, but there have been many to follow, even though Gerald Ford may have tried to stanch the flow of sleazy politics, fraud, not-so-secret philandering, squandered campaign promises, and big money influence. He was a sweet man, and I even understand why he pardoned Nixon, but he's not a major figure in my pantheon of stars.

FranK Stanton, co-founder of CBS, comes closer.� He had a somewhat heroic, if austere, respect for journalism, and under his guidance CBS News enjoyed an unequalled reputation.� Unfortunately, he outlived himself and his era, and was around to see his baby become just a corporate behemoth just like every other network. He was 98 when he died (on Christmas, typically a slow news day).

But this Christmas was different, because when I woke up on Christmas morning, the Godfather of Soul was dead, and an otherwise slow morning on CNN was alive with soul.

I saw James Brown at the Apollo Theatre in New York when I was a kid, and I can remember seeing him many times afterward, always rising out of my seat and going nuts. They didn't call him the hardest working man in show business for nothing.� I, however, grew up in the Civil Rights movement, and what I remember most clearly about James Brown isn't "Please, Please, Please" or " I Feel Good," which you can see on UTube, but the tremendously influential "Say it Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud." Brown was always an advocate for the black community, rather than a wealthy entertainer who turned his back on it. He may have been the Godfather of Soul, but he was the father of disco and the grandfather of hip-hop as well. That man could dance!

In that regard, I urge everybody to go see "Dreamgirls," in which Eddie Murphy (you will never know it's him) plays a character modeled after Brown, while Jamie Foxx plays Berry Gordy, the recording mogul who almost singlehandedly cause the crossover from race records to mainstream rock for a generation of Detroit musicians, most notably the Supremes. It was quite an era, and I was lucky to be of concert-going age during it.

But I urge you to see this film not because it is about civil rights or James Brown -- it's not -- but because I'm not sure I have ever seen better performances out of a film cast. I was halfway through the film before I realized the lead character Deena Jones (or was that Diana Ross) was played by Beyonce Knowles. And I already told you about Eddie Murphy's intensity. Most incredible is the American Idol contestant Jennifer Hudson, whose voice is so incredible that the audience in the theatre with me rose to its feet and gave her a standing ovation once in the middle of the film (at the end of her big number) and once during the credits at the end.

I used to be a film reviewer in my gay, mad youth. I hardly ever review films anymore, at least not publicly, because most of them suck. But "Dreamgirls" has drawn me back to a time when movies were cool. So now I can come out of mourning for movies.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Lon Safko's Inspiring Story

He is a the guy who first invented the human interface to the computer for the disabled -- voice controls and the head mouse. The Smithsonian has taken all his documents. Read about part of it here, as he writes his book in blog format.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Twas the Night Before...

Finally.  The Christmas parties are (almost) over, and the shopping and shipping are done. I finally have time to contemplate the season, after spending the beginning of it in surgery and the end catching up on whoever I didn't buy anything for over the summer.  Yes, I often Christmas shop months in advance, and often on my trips.  That way I have that unusual wine-bottle holder from Malta for the special Chardonnay I ordered when I was in Sonoma.

I finessed the Christmas tree decor issues (what color, what theme) this year by making it the Year of the Dog: every ornament is a dog toy.  When Christmas is over, the dog will take the ornaments off the tree and eat them. Nothing to pack up for next year except the artificial tree itself. Ah yes, that artificial tree.  It's a remnant of my upscale days in Esplanade Place, where everyone has their trees trimmed by a professional so they can stand lighted in the windows without violating the homeowner's association rules. Only artificial trees, which are regular rather than too thin or too thick, need apply.

Anyway, I spent over a thousand dollars on this tree, which comes with its own pre-strung lights.It folds up into its own little container that sits in a closet all year.  A feat of engineering never equalled by nature. So I will use it for the rest of my life to amortize the cost. I wonder if I can depreciate it as a capital expense. Or maybe I could take it to "My Sister's Closet" or "Terry's Consign and Design."

As you can imagine from the tone of this post, I'm hardly into the joy of the season. And here might be the biggest reason why. This morning on CNBC I heard that the average person has spent $895 on Christmas. This is up from $695 ten days ago, so people are beginning to lose their heads here at the final days. The biggest spenders are men who make more than $75,000 a year. Those same people who make $75,000+ a year are also the biggest re-gifters.There have been numerous stories this season on the art, science, and etiquette of re-gifting.  I find that hilarious. To me, this means we all have too much stuff, and don't need anymore. So we search for that colleague or friend who might have room for our unwanted gift in his or her garage.

For me, this Christmas has been reduced by TV newscasters to a mountain of statistics: black Friday, red Monday, the biggest shopping day, the biggest shipping day, the biggest delivery day.  All these have been tallied and counted ad nauseum. Sweaters, electric trains, and TVs have made comebacks as popular gifts.  But those same TVs are being sold at below cost, to the chagrin of retailers.

And we have a relatively new entry into the gift arena: the gift card. Most of the gift cards I have seen even allow the giver  a space on the card to indicate how much the card is worth -- no more trying to hide what you paid for someone's gift. Instead, proclaim it: To my dear one from Francine --the value of this Home Depot Card is $50.00  And that's what you are worth to me. All cleanly denominated, all our friends and relations.

Worse yet, half of us won't even use our gift cards, and the store will pocket the money. Or we will wait too long, and the value of the card will decline.

Yes, Christmas is not even about individual materialism anymore.  It's about group economics. And perhaps that's why I don't have a live tree. It's a waste to kill a tree for a bunch of numbers.  Merry Macroeconomics!

Things I've read in blogs that you might like

I have been using Google Reader to read my feeds, and sharing the items I like best.� You can see what I like here. Scoble refers to this as his link blog, but for me, it's just my list of memorable blog posts.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Deepak Chopra's appearance on Stephen Colbert last night:

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

More new media stuff

Great idea from John Furrier about having an Entrepreneurship Idol Contest.� We can have this here if Sean or some of the other Vloggers will help us!

And here's a link from Kathy Sacks to a Ketchum Study on how people get their information. Mixed reviews for new media.

Monday, December 18, 2006

I am reading Naked Conversations right now, so perhaps that's why I am so concerned about free speech in the blogosphere and why I believe that all the people who balked at the appearance of politicans at the French Le Web 3 conference last week are short-sighted. If the blogosphere talks only to itself, and doesn't really develop a dialogue with the outside world, it's useless.

And by the way, the French have a tradition of engaging in political discourse and taking it seriously. In America, we just don't know that. To mix a metaphor, "when in Rome..."

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Social Media Club Phoenix

Tonight was the second meeting of the Social Media ClubPhoenix.  I gotta say, it has generated a lot of buzz here in Arizona.  First of all, bloggers are coming out of the woodwork; I didn't know there were so many "professional" bloggers in town, and so many people creating tools for sharing content. Once again, I have found out that Phoenix is underrated for the amount of tech activity and energy here.

And there seem to be so many people who need to connect with others who are already active in this space. They were calling me all afternoon for the details on the meeting. Quite a difference from other meetings I've tried to convene, where we have had difficulty getting those butts in seats.

What was really crazy was that people came into the room who had read each others' work or used each other's tools but had never met in person. It made me realize that we connect with so many more people over the Internet than we could ever meet face to face.

Tonight's meeting was an attempt at a definition of Social Media.  Next month, the group will have a discussion of the "Social Media Press Release," a concept that is going to change marketing significantly. For a long time, people in public relations have realized that the old style press release no longer generates significant interest, and the press conference is even worse. These are terribly outdated and inconvenient tools for both the client and the journalist. And now, because of the collaborative nature of social media, we are finally developing new marketing tools. Not that there is really anything new under the sun; Steve Epstein brought up the point that the Mike Roykos and the Jimmy Breslins of the past, columnists who wrote about whatever was happening in their worlds from a unique perspective,  were the equivalent of today's bloggers.

After January, I have received a request for a meeting on all the little tools we social media nuts use: Technorati, tags, RSS, feed readers, etc. So I guess that brings us up to February. We will continue to meet on the 2nd Thursday of every month.

 I am so hot on the potential impact of this whole social media thing that I want to make the next entrepreneurial mini-conference, which we will have on March 1 at Grand Canyon University ,  about "The Revolution in Marketing."  Save the date. Also save November 8 for the Second Annual Arizona Entrepreneurship Conference. Some big surprises coming there, too, but no firm plans yet so no revelations.

Man, we are a far cry from the 90's,  when people were afraid that Internet addiction was a lonely, solitary pursuit. I can remember when people spoke to me very seriously about the amount of time I spent online Now, everything on the Internet is interactive, and we can share every moment of our lives if we want to. I, for instance, brought my Blackberry to the hospital and started blogging about my hip replacement as soon as I came out of the anaesthetic.

Tonight, the group decided that the mantra of social media is "it's the people, stupid." Social media is a way to collaborate and share information, to empower individuals, to create untold numbers of writers, publishers, communicators, and videographers, to find friends, compatriots, and customers. From an individual perspective, it grants power to the consumer, who now controls the brand (as I did, when Scottsdale Healthcare North found out I was a blogger and began to treat me like a VIP). From a corporate perspective, it creates new channels to communicate with customers.

However, what really struck me tonight is how powerful social media can be for non-profits.  We had some representatives in attendance from the Foundation for Blind Children, and I could see immediately how parents of blind children would make use of blogs and wikis to strengthen their ability to cope with difficult situations, in much the same way that breast cancer survivors have banded together to spur on the research and treatment options. And I could also see how the charity itself could communicate with its donors about the mission and the programs.

Through social media, every non-profit can develop a mission-driven community, harnessing the power of many and ending the isolation that comes with affliction. That, in itself, is enough of a reason to foster the development of these tools.

Friday, December 08, 2006

I am the Empress!

<p align="center"><img src=""></p>

<h2 align="center"><font face="Verdana"><b>You are The Empress</b></font></h2>
<P align="center"><font face="Verdana">Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.</font></P>
<p align="center"><font face="Verdana">The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents,
beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home
decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.</font></p>
<p align="center"><font face="Verdana">The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.</font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="2" face="Verdana"><b>What Tarot Card are You?</b><br><a href="">Take the Test to Find Out.</a></font></p>

Thanks to Maryam, I have this important information about myself.

technorati tags:, , , ,

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A Christmas Story

My former foster child Jerry went to prison when he was nineteen on a series of felonies that were the result of a drug habit that was itself the result of post-traumatic stress syndrome. Jerry, until he found me and my late husband, lived with a father who was intermittently violent, addicted to crack and alcohol, and a mother� who was a crack whore. Thus for the first ten years of his life, Jerry thought it was HIS responsibility, as� the oldest boy, to find food for the family.

After the suicide of his father, jerry and his two sisters and brother were removed from the family by Child Protective Services, and put into a shelter. That's how my physician husband and I became foster parents. I was mentoring the family and we couldn't stand to see the kids go to a shelter, so we became licensed. (Get my book about this, "Foster Mom," on Amazon).

Jerry lived with us from the time he was ten to the time he was 16.� He always had emotional problems, but� we thought we were on top of them. And then he lost another father figure, my wonderful husband, who died in 1997. After that, Jerry seemed to go into a tailspin, and soon was dealing drugs out of my house. I had no idea how to deal with that, so I called the social worker and had him moved to a group home. In retrospect, that was stupid of me, because it gave him the idea no one cared. He ran away from the group home back to his mother, the streets and crack, and committed a bunch of car thefts and robberies before he was sentenced to about four years in prison.

During prison, I supported him both financially and emotionally, sending him books and paying for classes.� He was very contrite, and determined to get the education he had interrupted.� He got a GED and 32 college credits in prison, and also became a man. He did not become hard.

Jerry got out on intensive parole over a year ago, and negotiated his way through the difficulties of finding a job, finding a place to live, and managing a car with my help. He owes $500,000 in restitution because he tried to go to trial once, and he lost.� The County is making him pay back his legal fees.

Intensive parole is like a huge obstacle course.� The P.O. is constantly looking for a reason to put you back in prison, and if you move wrong, you're back in.� Most ex-prisoners just give up unless they have really good family supportm because it's so hard.� Most apartment complexes won't rent to felons, most employers won't hire them. And yet to stay out of prison when you are on parole, you can't be jobless or homeless for one minute.

But Jerry is one of a small percentage of people who managed to get off parole and back into society.� For the past year, he has had a job as a commercial painter. I bought him a junk car, and we've been holding it together with spit and baling wire.� Even at $10/hr, he can't live on his salary because of the restitution.� He has no life; he went to work and came home, without a dime of extra money.

And then, just after Thanksgiving, he got laid off. His car was in danger of being re-possessed, and everything finally got to be too much for him,. He called me, a grown man, crying. "I never can catch a break," he said. " I try and try and try,and something always happens."

I could see he was ready to pack it in and go back to prison, one way or another. I want to prove to him that sometimes there is, indeed, a payoff. So i hopped out of bed on my one good hip and met him for coffee. Over Starbucks, I did with him what I always do: I developed a business plan.� We are going to put him in business as a handyman, using the skills he developed in all those prison classes.� He can lay tile, repair dry wall, run wire, and paint.� He can repair a car. He can't get a contractor's license, but he can take those small jobs we all need done around our homes. He got excited.

So we decided he would go into business with a cell phone and a post office box.� But guess what?� We went to get him a post office box and he can't get one because he needed to present a piece of mail addressed to himself and he didn't have one. Another obstacle.� So I went home, wrote him a letter, and mailed it to him at his sister's apartment, where he is living. Another delay.

Because we don't have the post office box, we can't get the business cards.� Once we get them, hs has to start the marketing. Once that works, he will have the business.� But what happens in the meantime?� As a felon, he can't get food stamps, health care, or any social safety net help. See what I mean? No wonder these guys go back to prison. It's so hard for a released felon to get from Point A to Point B that if he doesn't have a foster mom who is still in his life, he can never make it.

And to top it off, it's Christmas.

Social Life

Not long ago, there were still newspaper articles about the possibility of "Internet addiction," a "disease" that kept people on the web all day and all night, and isolated them from other people. Children were especially prone to it, and all sorts of advice was given on how to get your child off the Internet.

How quickly we forget. Now the Internet is all about socializing. On one site, Second Life (,� you can play a game where you are an avatar in an entirely different created world. This simulated world has real estate deals,newspapers, and retail stores, many of them transposed from our "first life" to this new world.

Less complete, but more compelling, are the worlds created by such sites as Facebook, MySpace,and a new one for Baby Boomers that I'm beta testing called TeeBeeDee.

These new sites, along with the ones that facilitate photosharing, and the millions of blogs kept by everyone from Arianna Huffington to Katie Couric to yours truly ,
have created a new category called Social Media.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Kathleen Bertolucci has a blog about taxonomy. Here is her post about the taxonomy of Snoopy :-)

Friday, December 01, 2006

Akira Hirai's blog (Cayenne Consulting)

Although this is not technically a blog, Akira is a brilliant man with interesting things to say

Here's a blogger about elearning development who has linked to my hip replacement blog!!!

I posted to the AZIPA Discussion List, a list my business partner started that is a resource for Internet professionals, about wanting to know who blogs in Arizona, and I got a good number of responses. I'm linking to the Arizona bloggers here so that we all know who we are and can work together to expand social media. In the same vein, the next meeting of the Social Media Club Phoenix will be held on Dec. 14th at 6:30 at La Madeleine, 3105 E. Camelback Road, Phoenix. It's free, but please RSVP at, because last time we over-filled the room.

Amanda Vega's Blog!